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Medcast news and blog

Mental Health Training Opportunities for GPs in 2018

Do you need to upskill in mental health? 2018 is a brand-new year ripe for a new training resolution!

A story about a Psychiatrist’s clever daughter and how she saved his life
A story about a Psychiatrist’s clever daughter and how she saved his life
Dr Jan Orman

Psychiatry is ideally suited to videoconferencing but there are perils and pitfalls that become apparent once you engage with it that can be quite discouraging. Our guest blogger is Dr Zelko Mustac, a Sydney psychiatrist who has worked for many years in Western Australia and is very conscious of the difficulty of delivering psychiatric care to rural and remote areas. Here is his story:

Learning to Manage Your Bipolar Disorder
Learning to Manage Your Bipolar Disorder
Dr Jan Orman

Managing bipolar disorder is challenging for patients and practitioners alike. Making the diagnosis in the first place is often a challenge, but once it’s made many patients and their health care practitioners are unaware that there’s more to managing bipolar disorder than juggling the medications and doing the blood tests. Listen to the podcast and read the blog.